Wednesday, June 2, 2010

J-Cup England Preview

J/Cup sailing in Hamble, England

Sun Blessed Js Set Sail!

(Hamble, England- 3-6 June)- Over 500 competitors sailing 74 J's commence racing this weekend for the J/Cup 2010 in England.  The regatta is being hosted by the Royal Southern Yacht Club in Hamble, and the J/109 UK National Championship takes place as part of the event. Eight races are scheduled between Thursday 3rd and Saturday 5th June and in addition to the 28 boat J/109 UK National Championship fleet, a full range of Js are packed in to five other classes.

IRC 1 is where the J/122s and J/133s will be fighting it out. Ian Matthews and his team on the J/122 JINJA were looking good in training but newbie to the J/122 fleet Neil Kipling has had a stunning start to the season in JOOPSTER. Rob Larke will be at the helm of David Hunt’s J/122 JACOB'S LADDER, he also recently won the J/80 UK National Championship as Tactician on

For more information, please contact Becci Eplett at Key Yachting +44-2380-455669 or email-   Photo credits- Tim Wright