(Key West, FL- Jan. 20th)- Wednesday dawned with promise for a typical, beautiful Key West sailing day but with not much promise for breeze. As the day unfolded the forecasted East to Southeast breeze ultimately materialized late in the day. While Divisions 2 and 3 further east managed to get off two successive races, Division 3 postponed for over an hour to get in their second race.
On the Division 1 course, the light air and very streaky breezes with large holes interspersed between the windier sections wreaked havoc on the standings. In particular, regatta leader in IRC2, David Murphy's J/122 PUGWASH sailed to a 7-7 score to drop themselves into second overall. Robin Team's J/122 TEAMWORK faired a little better with a 5-6 tally for the day to remain in sixth. The principal issues appeared to be the random roll of the dice on breeze, some got it better than others and where significant gains were being made was downwind, hunting down the streaks and staying in them.
Thursday promises to be the best day of sailing of sailing yet with 15-20 knot winds forecasted and a sunny, partly cloudy day. Stay tuned! For regatta information and sailing results, please go to: http://www.premiere-racing.com/KW10_Results/kw10_results_reports.htm Share