J's Largest Brand Sailing
(Newport, RI)- The town of Newport is buzzing with sailors frenetically gathering together the last minute details one sweats preparing for a 635 nautical mile race that sends you bashing and crashing across the capricious Gulf Stream. Despite the somewhat chaotic pre-race logistics, it's only to be rewarded with the delight of digging your toes into soft, pink sands sitting in plaid Bermuda shorts, shades on with a garishly bright polo shirt, sipping goofy drinks with umbrellas stuck in them or some brownish concoction called a "dark'n'stormy". The surrealistic magnetic pull Bermuda exerts on its long-time participants (and some "newbs") is seemingly more powerful than the fabled Siren's songs luring sailors to their demise in ancient seas. This year, there are 185 boats entered headed for the fabled St. David's Light finish line. The weather should be an improvement over 2008's head-bashing beat through the monstrous walls and breaking waves of the Gulf Stream (toss in a few suicidal flying fish hitting you in the head and you wonder what the attraction is to get to Bermuda by boat?).The most startling (and heart-warming) development from the last edition is the growth of the Double-handed Division. Is this "baby boom" market demographics kicking in big time? After going around the track a few times with big budget programs and lots of crew, isn't it still about the skill of the sailor? With 26 varieties of sailboats participating, eight of the double-handers are J's- about 33% of the fleet! Leading the charge may be Scott Miller's J/122 RESOLUTE
We wish everyone fair winds, fair current and sail fast (oh, and remember to duck when the fish start flying)! For more Bermuda Race sailing information and iTracking real-time positions.